I am creating quite a few variations with my products. I noticed that after creating 31 variations in the frontend I am able to select unexisting variations which is a very bad user experience.
Normal behavior:
I set Greeting card -> Classic -> 6×4 -> Matte -> Single
I set Greeting card -> Classic -> 6×4 -> Glossy-> Single
I set Greeting card -> Premium-> 6×4 -> Glossy-> Single
I set Postcard -> Premium-> 6×4 -> Glossy-> Single
In the frontend now If I would select Postcard, the next option only Premium would be available, which is correct because classic does not exist. But if there are more than 30 variations (31 to be in precise) when all options become available for selection. In this case, Postcard would have Classic and Premium for selection even if classic variation for Postcards does not exist.