I noticed now on two of my xstore sites that if you have a non-builder cart page and you decide to test the new builder – and than revert back to simple “[woocommerce_cart]” it breaks the layout – see picture in private.
Maybe put condition on/off switch in builders panel to every builder like woodmart theme has?
But ok – let’s go with the new cart builder.
1. Related products block doesn’t work – like at all, it doesn’t show the products. If i use any other module it also doesn’t work.
I had the single product issue here: https://www.8theme.com/topic/elementor-related-products-in-single-product-and-stock-element/#post-375965
I also wanted to add cross sell products (i have added them to the desired product) and the module also doesn’t show them.
2. Quantity field and it’s name on the top are not alligned.
3. Got a coupon? label isn’t visible
4. How do you add the progress bar just to the left column like in the original woocommerce_cart layout?
5. Can we add some space between go to checkout button and safe and secure checkout cards?
6. I have some space between delivery options and cart total – but there isn’t none in backend editor?