I want to take the add to cart and buy now button to the same row. Please help me
This topic has 23 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I want to take the add to cart and buy now button to the same row. Please help me
Add the below code to Theme Options > Custom CSS
.et-or-wrapper {
display: none;
.single-product .single-product-builder .single_add_to_cart_button.button {
margin-right: 15px;
Thanks it fixed and now i want the buy now button to be same width as the add to cart button and to create the add to wish list also as a button. Tried to fix the buy now button but i cant read the class of the buy now button properly
By the way I am using xstore as my ecommerce theme and i found that the wish list icon is not showing properly. I always add a CSS and hide it. May i know a way of fixing that as well
2. And I want to add a specification tab with a table of specifications that can be edited from product to product. I added a tab but it can only upload a custom HTML. I want to change it from product to product.
This is the table that I want to develop and tabs should be like this https://prnt.sc/133jq11
Better if i can make the same here.
3. I want to align the tabs content to center but it doesn’t work properly. Why is that First it was right aligned but now its not working anymore. I want to center it but its not working anymore.
I tried with adding a section and and deleting the default section still it doesnt work
Tried with css as well
.woo-commerce tabs{
align-content: center;
still doesnt work
4. My single product page is now left aligned. Why is that?
I want to center all the content in the middle. I set the content width of all the sections to 80% now my page is left aligned. Please help this is urgent
1) Replace
.single-product .single-product-builder .single_add_to_cart_button.button {
max-width: 172px;
.single-product .single-product-builder .single_add_to_cart_button.button {
margin-right: 15px;
max-width: 172px;
Go to YITH > Wishlist > Wishlist page settings and choose the icons for the button
2) You can use the table HTML in the single product custom tab while create your product. Or you can create product attributes https://prnt.sc/133wu9x and then it will be displayed under the Additional Information tab like a table.
3) Edit tabs element https://prnt.sc/133wwcz and choose the alignment of the tabs title in the element settings without custom CSS.
Hi need answer to this please. Struggling with this problem now
Provide us with WP Dashboard access to your site and we’ll help you to reduce the width of the content in the correct way.
Please asap
Check now, please.
Hi Can you center align the breadcrumbs section and the related products section as well
I want the whole page to be centered excluding footer and header in the single product page view
And please tell me how you did this. So that i can do it on my own in my future projects
Do you mean that you want to reduce the container with of the single product to 1120px https://prnt.sc/134dh0b ? Do I understand you right?
yes i want to do that. Please let me know as well so I can do it on my own in the future projects as well
You can edit the whole site width from Theme Options > General > Site width. If you want to change the container width for the single product only use the below code
@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px){
.single-product .content-page {
max-width: 1120px;
I have added that to Theme Options > Custom CSS > global CSS. Check now.
Thank You very much it is now fixed
You’re welcome!
This product grid keeps loading forever why is that how can i fix this. And when i move one forward or backward in that slider it works. This happens everytime
Edit page and Products element, try to disable Loop option for the slider. Check products after that.
Thanks it worked
You are welcome.
Hi I want to add a Continue shopping button in the Add to cart canvas that popups when we add a product to the cart. Please kindly help me with this.
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