He cambiado la fuente predeterminada en las opciones del theme, cuando entró para modificar la página de inicio en elementos me aparece la fuente que quiero poner pero al guardar e ir a la página publica esta no se muestra cambiada
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
He cambiado la fuente predeterminada en las opciones del theme, cuando entró para modificar la página de inicio en elementos me aparece la fuente que quiero poner pero al guardar e ir a la página publica esta no se muestra cambiada
We don’t speak Spanish, please, write in English.
Provide us with WP Dashboard access to your site to check the problem in more detail.
I have changed the default font in the theme options, when I entered to modify the home page in elements, the font that I want to put appears but when I save and go to the public page it does not show changed and also when I make modifications to the pages with elementor this is not reflected when publishing
Please provide correct wp-admin access – https://prnt.sc/vlb5ul
Set fonts settings for the Elementor, go to edit a page > https://prnt.sc/vlb81l > https://prnt.sc/vlb88i > https://prnt.sc/vlb8iu
I’ve changed it and it still doesn’t work. The changes that are made in elementor and that when publishing are not reflected, I attach photos
I can’t see your screenshots – https://prnt.sc/vlg2zu You can upload images here – https://dropmefiles.com/ and provide us with URL.
What about correct wp-admin access?
I attach the images that indicate me
1) Still the same issues https://gyazo.com/c9e3b3394adcb3ff53f0720bfad8b738
Try Lightshot screenshot or Gyzo tool to make screenshots and share them.
2) Go to Elementor > Settings > Advanced > try to change the CSS Print Method to Internal Embedding http://prntscr.com/vleont Clear cache and check the page after that.
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