Just wondering if it’s possible to change the product image layout.
At the moment, products display the lead image followed by the other product images, as a thumbnail below or to the side.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to get rid of the thumbs and instead have a main product image but as a carousel, showing any additional images.
Here’s a good working example if you look on mobile it’ll make more sense – https://www.next.co.uk/style/st355113/595230#595230
And an image to show you the same – https://i.imgur.com/jeEHRMV_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
Is this achievable with either WPBakery or Elementor, assuming your theme hasn’t created such a product option?
Thumbnails are so 1990’s. Time to change into full image carousel for best standards.
I’m happy to try doing it on a product but not sure how we’d call the thumbs into the slider hence asking your views on it.
Please advise. Thanks.