Hi 8theme,
1) In regards to the filters;
Is it possible to change the filters on the shop pages to something similar as on the website in the PCA?
Can we have the options in a closeable window, so customers can choose what to choose from versus having all options open and potentially driving away customers?
2) Also, for a specific product category can we have the page setup a certain way (with or without filters)?
a) the main category does not have filters and just has a broad range of information and clickable links.
b) when you go onto a sub-category you can show the filters as needed.
3) https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/niche-market02/shop/
a) Can we edit the top section where the box (Find Exactly What You Need) is located via Elementor?
b) Can we a section/block with information after the “popular tags” and before the “explore from premium brands” near the bottom? and can this be done via Elementor?
c) How can we change the background color from white to something else?