Can you help me to make a “send to a friend” button?
This topic has 17 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Can you help me to make a “send to a friend” button?
Use Request a quote feature and add the contact form or any other form shortcode to your popup content or static block with the layout you need.
can you show me hav i do it
Thanks for this suggestion. I like the idea of the popup and I already use it – but I would like to add a “send to a friend” button on the product page as well. Is there any way of doing that?
Go to XStore > Sales Booster and enable Request a quote option + enable the Show as button on Single Product
After that add the shortcode of the contact form that you want to show in the request popup or any other content that you want to display there.
Thanks. I have succeded in making a button with your help, but I have trouble handling the next step with the contact form. Should it be made using Elementor? Or Contact Form 7? Or some other tool? And after that: How do I find the shortcode? I hope you can guide me.
You can create contact form using Elementor only if you have Elementor Pro plugin
Or you can use any other form plugin that suits your needs: Quform, Contact form 7 or any other. Follow the plugin documentation to find the shortcode of the form after form creation.
We have made a form in Elementor and it works on the page. However we have trouble generating a shortcode from Elementor. We tried a plugin for the purpose, but it did not work.
Currently we get this message:
You may add any content here from XStore Control Panel->Sales booster->Request a quote->Ask a question notification
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Can you help us getting the needed shortcode? Feel free to login.
The page with the form is called Kontakt-formular.
Could you, please, create a Static block with the Elementor form in the content and then add Static block shortcode to the Popup content?
Can not understand what you are writing can you show me that?
has made this on a page with elemetor
and what do you do then to get that shortcode
I described the process to explain how you can implement that to avoid future questions. Anyway, I have created a static block and added a static block shortcode to the Popup content. Check now.
It just does not work
has also changed a bit in the form
1) I created Static block and copied static block shortcode
2) Added that shortcode to the Popup content
If you don’t get emails then contact Elementor Pro support with this issue. We just display that form but we are not responsible for how that form works because it’s Elementor Pro form, it’s not the XStore theme form.
Hi again Olga
thanks for the help the last one you sent I got hold of hehe trying to contact elementor
Great weekend 🙂
You are welcome.
You are welcome.
Tagged: button, friend, persuasive, send, template, woocommerce, wordpress
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