If i change Font type and press publish nothing saves.
Same is with button settings and css adjustments
My cache plugin is turned off.
This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
If i change Font type and press publish nothing saves.
Same is with button settings and css adjustments
My cache plugin is turned off.
Thanks for using our theme and for contacting us.
Theme Options > Header builder > Main menu > Font Family
As u see i changed it Main menu font to ARIAL and pressed publish.
Check the page, main menu did’t change font.
Also the same issue with button css formating in the other sections.
I checked your site and the menu uses Arial according to your settings https://prnt.sc/25326lm
So, make sure that you cleared browser cache https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clear-cache/cppjkneekbjaeellbfkmgnhonkkjfpdn
What style changes did you make for the buttons? Could you, please, provide us with WP Dashboard access and provide screenshot of the buttons that did not change styles?
Hi I can t find the button to save changes
By publishing the site it didn t save anything
check ramarama.ro to see
How do I save my changes so they can be seen when I publish the site?
Hello @Maraciuca,
Please do next steps:
1/ Submit new own topic here – https://www.8theme.com/forums/xstore-wordpress-support-forum/
2/ Provide temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look at your settings.
Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
3/ Provide an example or video of what exactly changes can’t be saved. Did you change Logo image but it doesn’t work or did you change this text https://prnt.sc/lFTq4hk8UYYc or what? We need to know it exactly.
Thanks in advance.
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