Someone tried to help me do my blogs and now I have a carousel of images where my featured image for the Post would normally be.
The post I need help on is in draft mode: National Dance Day, 2015
If you click View Post, you’ll see that above the date where the featured image would normally be, instead there is a carousel slider with arrows. click the arrows and images will scroll through.
How did they do THIS? (person was new to wordpress and doesn’t know how it happened…lol)
It would have been great if all the images were the same size, but they are not so I need to now edit this carousel. The Feature Image area is blank so I’m so confused. I can’t figure out how it was done or how to get rid of it if I wanted to.
Do you know how this was done, where can I edit these images in this make shift carousel that’s in the place of the featured image of my post?
(see the carousel arrows on this image: http://kedancewear.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Screen-shot-2015-09-11-at-5.02.03-AM.png)