Hello, hope everything is ok for you all!
I’ve an issue with the cart using wp-rocket plugin, I wrote them:
as you can see in the following video when you load the page a 10€ appears in the cart even if nothing was added: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/3oRPnuJHkNcd3aXDzg9VMR
And they have replied me this:
This is happening because the mini cart is not fully Ajaxified.
So, when you add a product to the cart, and visit a noncached page the value is hardcoded in the HTML of cached page.
When a visitor loads the page, the value displays for a moment and then is updated via Ajax.
This does display the wrong value for a second because is hardcoded in the HTML.
This is a problem with the theme/minicart module, is not fully axajified. You will need to contact the theme developer about this.
You can also disable the cache after a product has been added to the cart, by excluding the cookie cart from the case. But I don’t think is the best solution here.
Is there a possibility to hav that mini cart fully axajified in a future update?
Thanksin advance for your time!