Hello. Where I can find these lines to translate?
See screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oachdx
Do I need to use Loco Translate plugin or I can translate it directly in theme settings?
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello. Where I can find these lines to translate?
See screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oachdx
Do I need to use Loco Translate plugin or I can translate it directly in theme settings?
You need to use Loco translate plugin – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/base-theme-translation/
Make sure you placed translation files of the theme into the /wp-content/languages/themes/ folder with correct names (language name and woopress theme suffix, e.g woopress-de_DE.po, woopress-de_DE.mo).
If you face problems with translation, you need to be sure that your translation files are synchronized. Button Sync (Loco Translate plugin http://prntscr.com/glemdq) allows you to synchronize your translation file with pot file. Then you will be able to translate untranslated strings.
Also, don’t forget to backup all the files before any update.
You’re welcome!
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