Good morning!
Please see FIG1 and FIG2 images by clicking the links (in the “Private Content”).
The problem is that the category labels on the products (in homepage and shop pages, seen on mobile) are so big and white and they cover almost completely the product image.
Could it be possible to find a solution for this problem?
You can implement the following solution, as you like (you can choose the faster solution for you) 🙂
– See FIG1 and FIG2: a solution would be to put only 1 category(image) per row (and not 2 as in FIG1). This way I suppose the image is bigger (as in FIG2) and the image is visible (see FIG2). The images in FIG1 are category images. (a child category of Funny Bed Category).
– Move the category label below the image so that the image is visible and not covered.
– Change aspect of the White box containing the label, so that the box is transparent and the label text is White.
I suppose that some CSS fix could help.
Thanks! Carlo