1º) Have masonry style for product pages without spacing between the thumbnails.
2º) Move breadcrumbs below product image
3º) Display Categories thumbnails, 2 on each column for mobile devices
This topic has 84 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
1º) Have masonry style for product pages without spacing between the thumbnails.
2º) Move breadcrumbs below product image
3º) Display Categories thumbnails, 2 on each column for mobile devices
Thanks for the topic.
1-3. Please provide screenshots for better understanding desired result.
You may use such screenshot maker as Lightshot and provide screenshots links in Private Content.
Here you go!
1. Add this code in Theme Options > Styling > Custom css > Custom css for mobile:
.carousel-area .product-slide {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
.products-grid .product {
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
2. Add this code in Custom css for the page http://prntscr.com/iaernn
@media screen and (max-width: 480px){
.mpc-wc-grid-categories[data-grid-cols] .mpc-wc-category {
width: 50%;
And for this code how do I remove padding between its items?
@media screen and (max-width: 480px){
.mpc-wc-grid-categories[data-grid-cols] .mpc-wc-category {
width: 50%;
And how do I fix this? The title gets trimmed
Now the titles are notdisplaying correctly
Could you, please, provide me temporary admin panel access to take a look at your site and help you? Because you have activated maintenance mode and we can’t check the problem without access.
There you go
I’ve changed code http://prntscr.com/iax284 please check http://prntscr.com/iax2d0
Thank you very much, sorry to ask you so much stuff but I am also having trouble with desktop header the initial header doesnt work properly, texts dont get underlined.
And is it possible to change just mobile header color to black and leave desktop white
Also my desktop header type is blocked I cant change it back to the standard header layout
And also, the cotegories grid how can I remove the padding on the sides for mobile devices?
Please provide screenshots for all 4 questions to help me understand more.
Thanks in advance.
I dont know how to shiw that error on a screenshot.
I want to reduce fixed header height on desktop. (Sticky Header)
I want to have a white header background on desktop version and a black one in mobile devices
The menu items hovering functionality doesnt work properly on desktop version, whenever I hover an item it doesnt underline and I cannot click on it either it gets buggy.
How can I reduce the padding on the sides for the related products that appear at the bottom of each products page.
And last, is there any way to improve loading speeds of the theme?
Admin panel access does not work anymore and we can’t check your site to help you. Please, provide us with correct Dashboard access to proceed.
There you go!
1) Fixed header height is changed. Custom styles you can find in child theme style.css
2) You can do this via Theme Options http://prntscr.com/iite39
3) Fixed
4) Done. Custom styles you can find in child theme style.css
5) Use cache plugin, optimize images (https://tinypng.com/), disable all the plugins that you don’t use because every additional plugin slows down a site little bit.
okay, the change you made for the carroussel didnt work, and now this css for mobile devices is not working anymore?
@media screen and (max-width: 480px){
.mpc-wc-grid-categories[data-grid-cols] .mpc-wc-category {
width: 50%;
And what I wanted was to reduce the fixed header padding and height, not the main header, I want them both as small as possible. Coudl you tell me how to do so please and change the main header to how it was?
1) I don’t see problem with your custom http://prntscr.com/ijv6sr
2) I did not make changes to the main header but you can manage main header padding here http://prntscr.com/ijv7qx
I used child theme style.css to apply changes for the fixed header only http://prntscr.com/ijv902 If you want to make it smaller reduce the paddings in custom CSS to 0 and also change the height.
3) Sorry, I missed the “side paddings” and thought that you want to reduce the bottom padding.
Check now.
I managed to fix 1) since you are free on weekends.
2) Even though I set padding to 10px it doesnt apply anymore, I don’t know why
Please, open xstore/framework/theme-functions.php file and edit 166 line https://prnt.sc/ijy172 > http://prntscr.com/ijy1sr then the padding from Theme Options should work fine.
Okei I changed as your instructed but it still doesnt work
Please clear cache and check one more time http://prntscr.com/ika96z > http://prntscr.com/ika9vz
Now that the header padding problem is fixed, I am having the same problem with the header hovering functionality again.
This one:
The menu items hovering functionality doesnt work properly on desktop version, whenever I hover an item it doesnt underline and I cannot click on it either it gets buggy.
Please add this code in Custom css:
.nav-sublist-dropdown:before {
Thanks it worked, btw the ajax load for products that comes in with the theme is not working for me. Any fix?
And how do I leave star rating active, but remove it from the product page thumbnails?
Please describe your questions in more details and provide screenshots for better understanding.
https://pasteboard.co/H9B9heK.png —> This plugin that comes with the theme doesnt work, in the product page, it shows the loading icon but never loads more products —-> https://pasteboard.co/H9Be3FC.png
And also how do I remove these stars from the product page, but without completely disabling star rating? —> https://pasteboard.co/H9BeLSq.png
1) Make sure that you set correct settings for that plugin according to theme documentation https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/woocommerce-infinite-scroll-and-ajax-pagination-settings/
2) Add the following custom code in Theme Options > Styling > Custom CSS
.content-product .star-rating {
display: none;
I followed all the steps in the guide for infinite scroll but it stays stays in the loading section forever. Do you know why it could be?
Tagged: changes, mobile, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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