Your problem is caused by Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd plugin. You can change the plugin or contact plugin author to fix the issue.
This topic has 84 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Your problem is caused by Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd plugin. You can change the plugin or contact plugin author to fix the issue.
1) Can I center product page content for Mobile? -> https://pasteboard.co/Hao4Dfx.png
2) Add smaller and thinner Product Heading on Single product Page for mobile -> https://pasteboard.co/Hao4Dfx.png
3) Red Highlight color on variation selection -> https://pasteboard.co/Hao6nnD.png
2) Icons for topbar menu items on desktop and mobile -> https://pasteboard.co/Hao6djh.png / https://pasteboard.co/Hao9vTz.png
3) ajax cart on click –> https://pasteboard.co/HaoasaC.png
4) dropdown footer columns on mobile —> https://pasteboard.co/Hao5goC.png
5) Wishlist looks weird on mobile, no product image displayed(select options) –> https://pasteboard.co/Hao5CfH.png
6) Product zoom not working properly –> Dont know how to explain it on screenshot, If you test it you´ll notice
7) Add a static block to a specific product category –> On top of an specific product category
3) Fixed
Is it possible to remove the sku from the product page?
Wp-admin credentials are incorrect. Please check them.
Hello, try this one
1. Add this code in Custom css for mobile:
.single-product .product-information-inner, .single-product .product-information .variations label {
text-align: center;
.single-product .product-information-inner .quantity {
margin-left: 20px;
.single-product .product-information table.variations, .single-product .product-information .variations label {
width: 100%;
.single-product-wide .product-information-inner .product_title {
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 400;
4. Please describe in more details.
5. Here is our demo https://www.8theme.com/demo/xstore/wishlist/
6. Zoom effect shows the real size of images, if you don’t want the zoom you can disable it in Theme Options > E-commerce > Single Product Page.
7. Add shortcode of your static block in category description.
1) Change Highlight color on variation selection – Something like this-> https://pasteboard.co/HaFpEDP.jpg
2) Icons for topbar menu items on desktop and mobile LIKE THIS BUT WITH TEXT NEXT IT-> https://pasteboard.co/HaFrlrk.jpg
3) ajax cart on click for mobile and desktop, if possible, if it is not don’t worry –> https://pasteboard.co/HaFrXyY.jpg
4) dropdown footer columns on mobile, to see verything clearer —> https://pasteboard.co/HaFubcs.jpg
.adsw-attribute-option .meta-item-text.active {
background-color: rgb(212, 212, 212);
color: black;
2. Appearance > Widgets > Right side top bar area
3. This is possible only for desktop on hover http://prntscr.com/inz002
4. There is no such option.
But you can try to create Footer for mobile static block and add it in Appearance > Widgets + hide this block on all devices except mobile using custom css code and hide another footer content on mobile only. Into this block add FAQ elements.
Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.
How can I remove this arrows on mobile version please
Add this code in Theme Options > Styling > Custo css > Custom css for mobile:
.single-product .swipers-couple-wrapper:hover .swiper-custom-right,
.single-product .et_post-slider:hover .swiper-custom-right,
.single-product .swipers-couple-wrapper:hover .swiper-custom-left,
.single-product .et_post-slider:hover .swiper-custom-left {
display: none !important;
How do I enable zoom on mobile website by pinching with 2 fingers?
Follow the instruction from this post https://www.8theme.com/topic/pinch-to-zoom-doesnt-work/
How do I disable this text?
https://pasteboard.co/HdZbiBv.png -> FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE ON ORDERS ABOVE 35$
How do I disable this black bar above the fixed header?
How do I change the H1, H2, H3 font type, for the heading in the website?
How do I disable google fonts from the theme?
How to reduce top bar height, top and bottom padding?
1. Appearance > Widgets > Cart area
Read more – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/support/widgets-custom-widget-areas/
.fixed-header {
border-color: white;
3. Theme Options > Typography > Page > Headings or use custom css code, for example:
h1 {
font-family: Lato;
font-weight: 300 !important;
font-style: normal;
color: #e24e4e !important;
4. What a reason for this?
.top-bar.topbar-color-dark * , .topbar-widget.etheme_widget_socials .et-follow-buttons a, .top-bar div.fancy-select div.trigger {
height: 2.2rem;
line-height: 2.2rem;
4. To improve loading times
Now this happens when Reducing top bar height -> https://pasteboard.co/HemK9pb.png
4. Unselect the Lato font in Theme Options http://prntscr.com/izkwye
and overwrite this function http://prntscr.com/izkxax (xstore/theme/functions.php) via functions.php file of a child theme.
Now this happens when Reducing top bar height
– please check now.
Now it says ocean at the top of the page
Please check Slider Revolution settings https://prnt.sc/j03mnz if this won’t help, provide FTP access in the Private Content area.
Here you have FTP access
Thanks for the help
Here was your code – https://prnt.sc/j09xkg (xstore-child/functions.php)
We’ve fixed this.
Why do these 2 items (Rev-slider & refreshed-fragments) take so long to load in the waterfall test?
Same happens with the wishlist when activated, it takes too long to load
How do I change all the fonts in the website with the Lucida Console font instead?
And another thing, the pinch zoom function for the mobile version is not working, I changed the code from the theme file and nothing happens
1) We are not Revolution Slider plugin developers, it would be better to post the question about this at RS plugin comments area. Refreshed-fragments takes time because it works with Ajax to update mini cart and wishlist products number in the header without refreshing page.
2) You can change the fonts in Theme Options > Typography section.
3) Checked your site on mobile and don’t see any problem with zoom http://prntscr.com/j16exg
Is there anyway to optimizethe refreshed fragments loading time?
Do you know if I can add a static block in a category description?
In the custom tab for products,is there anyways to translate it to other language?
1) We did not find solution for this. If you have any real suggestions for the code improvement we are ready to check them.
2) Yes, I think yes, use static block shortcode in category description http://prntscr.com/j3e9k6
3) Do you plan multilingual site? What plugin do you use to make it multilingual? If WPML then you can translate custom tab content via String translator.
1) I only know some css basics nota developer at all, but you want I can give you my thoughts on UI and stuff
2) Thanks!
3) Yes WPML or loco translate
Woocommerce infinite scroll is not working I don´t know why but it doesn´t do anything
Now infinite scroll is working but it is not showing any loading icon or text.
I dont know why but the mobile header is looking awful the paddings have gone crazy, I reset the ehader section settings and nothing happened.
There is no CSS modifying the header either
Tagged: changes, mobile, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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