Loader is fixed. Explain in more details and provide screenshot of the mobile header isssue. I did not find problems with paddings http://prntscr.com/j3wnkv
This topic has 84 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Loader is fixed. Explain in more details and provide screenshot of the mobile header isssue. I did not find problems with paddings http://prntscr.com/j3wnkv
It looks like these, I want small paddings but not that small.
Try to change this custom css code https://prnt.sc/j479to to https://prnt.sc/j47a7a
Please kindly open up new topics for additional questions http://prntscr.com/j47atj
I have tried adding thecode provided but it ain’t working, could you give me the the css code I should type in the custom css section, I can’t find that element in the inspect element function.
Btw, which translation plugin do you recommend?
Please add this code in Theme Options > Styling > Custom CSS for mobile (0 – 480px):
.header-wrapper header .container-wrapper {
padding-top: 20px !important;
padding-bottom: 20px !important;
Also, here http://prntscr.com/j4o45h you need to add }
Please read our documentation – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/base-theme-translation/
If you plan to create multilanguage site you may use WPML plugin https://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/, but if you want to simply translate site to one language I would recommend you use Loco translate plugin.
Hey, I just added grid layout on the single product page related products, but on the mobile version they are displaying in 1 column, how can I make it display 2 columns per row on mobile?
Please add this code in Theme Options > Styling > Custom css > Custom css for mobile:
.single-product .products-grid.row-count-2 .product,
.single-product .products-grid.row-count-3 .product,
.single-product .products-grid.row-count-4 .product,
.single-product .products-grid.row-count-5 .product,
.single-product .products-grid.row-count-6 .product {
width: 50%;
Tried that code but it still doesnt work
Product gallery thumbnail not displaying on desktop
Any fix?
1. Please clear cache and check one more time http://prntscr.com/j5v4wd
2. Have you tried to disable all 3-rd-party plugins?
Yes now the change has applied, but it is displaying 2 in desktop mode aswell instead of 4
I believe that some of the CSS I use in ghe mobile CSS section is being applied to the desktop, I diabled product gallery thumbnails on mobile and yesterday it got disabled in the desktop version aswell
You need to delete this – http://prntscr.com/j5wxln
I don´t know why site isnt´t updating, but once that is deleted the errors mentiones above will be fixed?
Tried that code but it still doesnt work
Product gallery thumbnail not displaying on desktop
Problem with incorrect applying custom css for mobile caused by }
in this section – https://prnt.sc/j5wxln so you need to delete }
. Do not forget to clear all cache to be able to see the effect.
I have cleared all cache and still dont see changes are you sure it actually fixes the problem?
I have cleared all caches, even my browser cache and no changes at all, and websites seems to be loading way sloader than before, don´t know what is going on
How do I make the logo image look bigger in the header without increasing the header height?
Do you want to change logo size on some device? What logo size do you prefer?
Have you tried to change the logo size in Theme Options > General > Header Settings > Logo max width?
Increase in both, mobile and desktop version, I have tried doing what you said but see no change, I want the header overall height to remain the same, but have a bigger logo image in the space available
Please try to set, for example, Logo max width – 200px and Header padding – 5px (top and bottom) in Theme Options.
Getting this errors on my website it is absolutely destroyed
1) Please, create the new topic for the next problems. The separate topic for the separate issue to avoid misunderstanding.
2) You have disabled Redux Framework plugin – the required plugin for XStore theme. It caused your issues.
I am not able to create a new topic dont know why, could you assist me on that?
And why is this looking like this on the checkout page? –>
1. Please try to click on “Submit new topic” button – https://www.8theme.com/forums/xstore-wordpress-support-forum/
2. Please add this code in Custom css:
.woocommerce-checkout #payment .payment_method_stripe label[for=payment_method_stripe] {
display: inline;
Tagged: changes, mobile, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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