Hi, I am trying to change the layoput of the blog pages but when I try and disable the side bar, nothing seems to happen. Am I doing some wrong? see screen shot.
This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, I am trying to change the layoput of the blog pages but when I try and disable the side bar, nothing seems to happen. Am I doing some wrong? see screen shot.
Also, it it possible to remove or reduce the intro text on this blog slider
1) Don’t see problem with the sidebar when the mentioned options disabled https://gyazo.com/c555a67ea8c36046370c6ddf10f70931 This option disabled sidebar for all the pages on your site. If you want to have sidebar for pages but remove for the blog page only then enable sidebar in general options but disable in the page settings http://prntscr.com/te9uxm
2) You can edit excerpt length in the Blog settings http://prntscr.com/te9vf0
Hi, I want to edit a single blog post page. When I go on to a blog page nothing seems to update. Any ideas?
Sorry, my fault. I needed to click on the ‘single post’ option. I think this is okay now 🙂
although, how can i make the image smaller on this page https://prnt.sc/tf0h0q
And the intro text still seems to be the same on the homepage https://prnt.sc/tf0jjv
Or do i edit this somewhere else?
1) Add this code in Theme Options > Theme Custom CSS > Global custom CSS:
.blog .blog-post img {
max-width: 400px !important;
Okay, thnaks I’ll try that.
And the intro text for the blog slider?
Describe the question in more detail.
Sorry, my mistake. It does actually work. 🙂
I am glad that you sorted out.
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