This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
J’aimerais changer le noir des traits et de l’écriture de base de woocommerce en or (Code html : #A48640)
Pouvez-vous m’expliquer comment le changer ?
Je vous remercie par avance,
Bien Cordialement,
Thank you for purchasing our theme and for reaching us.
Please provide a screenshot for better understanding the desired result. You can use such screenshot maker as Lightshot and provide links of screenshots in Private Content.
Best regards
Sorry for my bad English
Thanks for screenshots.
Could you please provide temporary wp-admin access in Private Content so we can take a closer look?
No problem
Thanks for your Help
Please add this code In Theme Options > Styling > Custom css:
table.cart .product-price .amount, table.cart thead th, table.cart .product-subtotal .amount,
.woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation a, .woocommerce-MyAccount-content a, .woocommerce-MyAccount-title,
.cart-popup-container .product_list_widget > p, .cart-widget-subtotal .small-h, .cart-widget-products a {
color: #A48640;
Good morning and thanks for your help.
I am going to abuse your kindness but the line separator that are white would it be possible to put them in color or even?
Best regards
Please provide screenshots.
Thanks in advance.
best regards
table.woocommerce-cart-form__contents, table.cart thead th, table.cart td, .woocommerce-cart .block-title,
.cart-popup-container, .cart-popup-container .product_list_widget > p,.product_list_widget li {
border-color: #A48640;
It works thanks for your help.
There are some color changes to make.
I wish the prices to appear in white and the paragraph text as well.
The white separators I wish to see them in Gold.
You will find a picture as an attachment.
Thanks in advance,
.single-product .product-information .price, .single-product .qty-span, .single-product .product-content .compare, .single-product .add_to_wishlist,
.single-product .add_to_wishlist, .single-product .product-content .compare, .single-product .product-content .compare:before, .single-product .product-information .product_meta > span,
.single-product .product-information .share-title {
color: white;
.single-product .product-share {
border-color: #A48640;
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