Change colour in complete imported sames

This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago ago by Tony Rodriguez

  • Avatar: bauherr
    October 4, 2022 at 19:20


    I have already found another post for this matter, it describes to change it in CSS. I also use the standard imported sample template “niche Market” / orange colour.

    My Idea was:

    export all settings by export function, open exported file in texteditor, change all #E95D2A against #9C1006 (orange to dark red). Then save and import.

    Most items now have new colour!

    But there are still some where i can still find the orange:
    all on homepage:
    – slider with tabs, border around is still orange
    – text for link above the slider’s picture is still orange
    – …

    For the text coulour i found the correct page to change (style in elementor menue for this item). But the box colour I could not find. Also in CSS (Theme custom CSS) file like described in other post there is no #E95D2A colour any more.

    Where is data stored? Where can I find it (a. change in Elementor menue, b. change in text files (css / dat file of export) by search and replace)?


    6 Answers
    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    October 5, 2022 at 06:16

    Hello, @bauherr,

    Please share your site WP Admin URL and Access in the private content area of this topic by following the below-given format


    So that I will check and fix your issue on your site.

    Regards 8Themes Team.

    Avatar: bauherr
    October 5, 2022 at 10:08

    Hi Toni,

    thanks for your help. I am actually testing how to change everything as I am not so experienced with WordPress and themes (do not know where I have to change what).

    I also have ssh account, I already searched for all files which have code for ORANGE inside. There were many CACHE files (no need to change, only delete), then there were several CSS files. I also changed the content inside (search & replace).

    But: after a while the old colour (orange) was written again in CSS file. That means: elementor / your theme is producing new CSS files. I also found the button in your theme to write all CSS files again. That means on the other hand: elementor is storing the data at another point (not in these CSS files, probably in database?).

    I also found the colour code in some XML files which have the demo content inside. Is yr theme / elementor using these XML files later (after iomporting)?

    Is it possible to download the demo manually (instead of automatic install) – my idea: download manually, change colour code in XML files (search/replace), then import.

    I am asking ths as I am still doing my experiments, probably I will reset everything again and do new (clean) installation.

    So: many thanks for your support and help, but it would give me more help If I know which data is where located.

    FEATURE REQUEST: It would be fine if there would be a small programme inside to change all colour from A to B. Or you could use the global colours and fonts of Elementor, doen’t it work well ??

    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    October 5, 2022 at 12:22

    Hello, @bauherr,

    Actually we do not have the XML of the demos to download for now, Could you please let me know which Exact Demo XML you want?

    And for the Feature Request: You can submit a request here , so our dev team read it.

    Regards 8Themes Team.

    Avatar: bauherr
    October 7, 2022 at 16:41


    like I already wrote I tried to change it by search & replace (elementor export file – change – import file again). I tried same with database backup (sql file).

    I was wondering that not all was changed: NOW I FOUND OUT THAT YOU HAVE A CACHING system in theme, i.e. all static blocks are prebiuilded.

    Now it works: disable caches – export – change – import – enable caches.

    You asked me for XML files: I could find the colour code also in file XSTORE-TMP-DATA.XML which seems to be XML export file from wordpress itself which you use to import the theme and fill it with data.

    Why dont you ask for colour changes in your importing process?

    But I still have 2 other questions:
    I am trying out verything on
    1. When I open it or change the site (shop to contact us for example) by clicking in frontent (like a website visitor) it seems to jerk (i.e. logo). Can I avoid this?
    2. where can I change the style of the text of menue, I could not find it. actaully it is loaded in lower/uppercase letters (you can see it in 1st second of viewing) then it changes to uppercase only.
    3. can l set the alignment of the “all department” menue to left (text seems to be in the middle now)?



    Avatar: bauherr
    October 7, 2022 at 16:43

    … and there is a stripe with “NO BRANDS ARE AVAIABLE” on site “ÜBER UNS” – the background is BLUE –> no chance to change it for me … where can I do it?

    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    October 8, 2022 at 08:06

    Hello, @bauherr,

    1- I have checked your issue and it is normal as you can see in this video: logo doesn’t take more than 1 second to load. It loads under 1 second. The other content like the search form, menu, and top menu is HTML code content. it doesn’t need to load from the database media. That’s why it appears directly on the site the other content of your site (Media Type) wait from the get the results from the database to appear on the site. So meanwhile the total time is less than 1 second. What else do you need? It’s already set to fine there is nothing you can make it. I hope you get my point.

    2- There is no glitch on the menu of your site I check it by refreshing the page, again and again, it appears the same and doesn’t change as you describe check the video here:

    3- In order to solve your issue simply go to the Dashboard >> XStore >> Theme Options >> Theme Custom CSS >> Global and paste the below code at the bottom of the CSS box there.

    .et_b_header-menu .secondary-menu-wrapper .secondary-title{padding-left:0px !important;}

    Then save settings and check back to your site after clearing the browser cache.

    4- To solve your issue simply go to the Dashboard >> XStore >> Theme Options >> Theme Custom CSS >> Global and paste the below code at the bottom of the CSS box there.

    .woocommerce-info{background:red !important;}

    Then save settings and check back to your site after clearing the browser cache.

    Note: in the above code the word “red” is the color you can change it with you want.

    Regards 8Themes Team.

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