is there an option to change the order in size values?
Look on the screenshot…
Thank you
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
is there an option to change the order in size values?
Look on the screenshot…
Thank you
Edit your attributes and drag&drop terms to change the order https://gyazo.com/34ccbeb638b754c554cea7f4773fb117
Thank you for quick response, but I have this order: Scrn 1 and still is on the page like this: Scrn 2. Doesn’t work, please help… thank you
Watch the video attentively https://gyazo.com/34ccbeb638b754c554cea7f4773fb117
Go to Products > Attributes > edit your size attribute and change the order of the terms there.
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