Change slider revolution for a normal moveable banner

This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 months ago ago by Rose Tyler

  • Avatar: AdminVirtual
    February 10, 2022 at 04:38

    How can I change or delete the header where the revolution sliders banners come out for a normal banner either in Elementor where I can put several images (banners) that change but are completely displayed, is that with the revolution sliders on mobile phones they are cut by half, it is not responsive and the loading time is very slow.
    como puedo cambiar o eliminar el header donde salen los banners del revolution sliders por un banner normal ya sea en elementor donde pueda poner varias imagenes (banners) que cambien pero que se visualicen completamente, es que con el revolution sliders en celulares se ven cortados por la mitad, no es responsive ademas que el tiempo de carga es muy lento.

    9 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 10, 2022 at 08:43


    Try to use Slider element –


    Avatar: AdminVirtual
    February 10, 2022 at 17:43

    Thank you very much, I already used the slider but when viewing it for mobile it leaves me some spaces above and below, how can I adjust it so that it is at the top without spaces?

    Muchas gracias ya use el slider pero al visualizarlo para celular me deja unos espacios arriba y abajo, como puedo ajustarlo para que quede en la parte superior sin espacios?

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 11, 2022 at 09:11


    Settings of slide > Mobile > Background size or Slider Settings > General > Custom Height Value


    Avatar: AdminVirtual
    February 12, 2022 at 04:28

    Hello, I made the changes where you told me and if it is displayed well on the mobile phone but on the laptop view it is cut off 🙁

    I got some updates between those PRO elementor and now it no longer loads Elementor :(, I can only enter through safe mode but it does not load all the options.

    Thanks for your help
    Hola, hice los cambios por donde me dijiste y si se visualizo bien en celular pero en el vista de laptop sale cortado 🙁

    Me salieron unas actualizaciones entre esas elementor PRO y ahora ya no carga elementor :(, solo puedo ingresar por modo seguro pero no carga todas las opciones.

    Agradezco tu ayuda.

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 12, 2022 at 08:01


    Provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access, so we can take a closer look.
    Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area You can use any email for it.
    If you do not know how to create FTP contact with your hosting provider, they will help you.


    Avatar: AdminVirtual
    February 12, 2022 at 20:49

    Sure, I appreciate your help!

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 13, 2022 at 13:42


    Have you sorted it out? As I can see, Home page can be edited using Elementor and the slider is displayed fine on desktop and mobile Is there anything else we can help you with?


    Avatar: AdminVirtual
    February 14, 2022 at 04:39

    Hello, I entered my computer and I still get the same error, but I tried to enter through another laptop and if it loads well, from what I see the error in Elementor and the display is only on my computer, will it be the cache memory, or browser or something like that?

    One last question, is it normal for the home banner to take a while to load? I get the impression that it is very slow; Is there anything that can be done to minimize that loading time? the whole web loads faster but the banner is delayed …

    Thank you very much for your help


    Hola, entre por mi equipo y me sigue saliendo el mismo error, pero intente entrar por otra laptop y si carga bien, por lo que veo el error en elementor y visualización se presenta es solo en mi equipo será la memoria cache, el navegador o algo asi?

    Una ultima pregunta, es normal que el banner de inicio demore un poco en cargar? me da la impresión que esta muy lento; hay algo que se pueda hacer para minimizar ese tiempo de carga? toda la web carga mas rápido pero el banner se demora …

    Muchas gracias por u ayuda

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 14, 2022 at 16:46


    Try to use another browser. Try to disable additional extensions of your current browser and clear cache of it. Try to update the browser.
    Optimize images, for example – or
    Also, you can activate Lazy loading in settings of Products element on the Home page to speed up the page loading results.


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