I’m sorry, the question is again, how do I change the background in the block with the goods correctly? For some reason, our product cards also change color.
This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 1 weeks ago ago by Luca Rossi
I’m sorry, the question is again, how do I change the background in the block with the goods correctly? For some reason, our product cards also change color.
Hi @Goostaf,
That background color is used for the column contains your products, to change the background color of products only. Please follow these steps:
– Add a custom CSS class to the row: https://prnt.sc/c0kqELnztASi
– Then add this custom CSS codes:
.pink .products-slider .swiper-slide {
background-color: #fdf4f8 !important;
Do the same as the steps above with the others product blocks.
Hope it helps!
Not exactly that, I don’t want the product cards to be colored in the background color, I want them to remain white, but they are colored in the background color for some reason. The screenshot shows that the cards have also turned blue, but we do not want to apply color to them, only for the background
Oh, I’m sorry, everything worked out with your help, thank you very much, you are the best!
You’re most welcome.
If you need anything else please let us know.
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