I’d like to change the main price color that is displayed on the shop pages. I keep seeing that it uses this variable: –et_main-color, but I can’t find a way to change it.
Also, i’d like to change the discounted price color (not the sale): https://prnt.sc/xn6wM4mPqWGX
But it doesn’t seem to have a separate class!
I want to display all active prices in a single color (e.g pink), including sale prices, and grey for the discounted prices (the ones with strikethrough). Is this possible?
Another issue: the main header wishlist icon and title are stacked: https://prnt.sc/0u6jb-QFrX_z
But inlined in the advanced sticky header: https://prnt.sc/icG5z43fqn_P
How can I fix it?
Please advise