In the url lojacorner.pt, the url of the products is like this example:
We would like to change to translate the sentence “product” to “produto”
Best regards
This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 1 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
In the url lojacorner.pt, the url of the products is like this example:
We would like to change to translate the sentence “product” to “produto”
Best regards
Hello, Isabel Lima,
Please check: Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks. Or contact support of WooCommerce plugin.
Your site is under maintenance mode, so we can’t check it. Did you already translate WooCommerce plugin, theme, and Core plugin? https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-localization/ https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/base-theme-translation/
Kind Regards,
8theme team
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