We have changed the Vendor Store Owner Legal Name to Vendor Store Name in all locations (search page, catalog, checkout, and orders) via a change in themes/xstore/framework/woo.php
Original Line
<?php printf( '<a href="%s" class="by-vendor-name-link">%s %s</a>', dokan_get_store_url( $author->ID ), esc_html__('Sold by', 'xstore'), $author->display_name ); ?>
Updated Line
<?php printf( '<a href="%s" class="by-vendor-name-link">%s %s</a>', dokan_get_store_url( $author->ID ), esc_html__('Sold by', 'xstore'), $store_info['store_name'] ); ?>
However this blocks us from updating the theme as it will wipe out this change. How do we make this change via a child theme so that it will not get replaced when updating the parent theme