hi how can i change the checkout to different colours, please see attachment:
product detail, shipping, subtotal and prices in black
order total in black
final total price in pink and bold too
thank you!
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
hi how can i change the checkout to different colours, please see attachment:
product detail, shipping, subtotal and prices in black
order total in black
final total price in pink and bold too
thank you!
Please add this code in custom.css:
.order-review .shop_table td.product-name, .cart-subtotal th, .shop_table .shipping th, .shop_table .order-total th, .order-review .shop_table td .amount {
color: black;
.shop_table .order-total td .amount{
color: pink;
Eva Kemp.
thank you!
You’re welcome.
Eva Kemp.
The issue related to '‘checkout colours’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses