Hello, MAHDAR,
Thank you for choosing XStore as your WooCommerce WordPress theme.
Please post your request on this page – https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/
If it receives enough votes from other customers, our development team will consider adding it to one of our upcoming updates.
If you wish a developers team can personally assist you via customization service.
To get started, please follow this link to send your request with requirements – https://prnt.sc/PZkD4AEf27qO https://www.8theme.com/account/#etheme_customization_panel , and a detailed estimate for the customization work will be prepeared. Our goal is to create a design that aligns with your vision and enhances your website’s appearance and functionality.
Customize your website to suit your needs and make it stand out with expert dev team.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kind Regards,
8theme team