This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I’m using Dokan and on their form seller registration I’m facing some issues caused by the theme customization. If Xstore theme is disabled the form work correctly. The theme is conflicting with the registration form actions and the name or store name or the subscription fields are not changing even after I have changed the value. How can this be fixed ?
If Xstore theme is disabled the form work correctly.
– have you cheked with Storefront theme?
I do not see the registration link in the top bar. Please provide the URL.
Also, provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access.
(It seems that my last answer was not sent).
Yes, I checked with Storefront.
I added the link in topbar (“vendor subscription form”). You can check now.
Thanks for the access.
I’ve created a test vendor and do not see problem, sorry, but your request is unclear to me. Please describe in more detail what exactly doesn’t work correctly and how it should be. Waiting for your detailed reply
Thanks for the answer.
I made a new video showing the difference in behavior between storefront and xstore theme. I hope it will be more clear and understandable for you.
You will also find a screenshot to complete if necessary
Hope this will be more helpful for understanding.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve passed this topic to our dev team. They will check it and give an answer after the weekend. Please be patient and do not change access.
We checked and found that you are using XStore child theme with many files included.
We checked the issue with parent XStore theme enabled -> and . It works just the same as with StoreFront, so the issue is in your child-theme so check your child-theme code and files ( ).
Thanks for your answer.
After some tests I think my child-theme code and files are not responsible of the issue.
I reinstalled a child-theme from initial xstore theme package (so no any custom on my part), then I deleted all my theme customs css and additionnal css + some customs js. The issue was still there.
After that I reset the Header builder and the issue disapear. So I think the issue come from your Header builder or settings in Xstore params.
You can check all this on the site. If you need the export of Xstore params (state before I reset the Header builder), I can send it to you.
I checked your web-site (staging) again and it works ok. Child-theme installed but it is almost clear so we think that the reason was in your child-theme. If you don’t think so, please, create such error with parent theme and send us a link. (for this you may simply switch to parent theme and import your origin theme options (you may export it on origin site in next steps Theme Options -> Import/Export section).
Ok, I imported theme options in parent theme and no issue. I imported the same theme options in child-theme and there an issue (if header builder not reset).
Now, how can you please explain to me that I have an issue with a child-theme while the latter contains the original files (included in the Xstore package) and has no modifications ?
Thanks for your efforts.
We found what was the reason of the issue 🙂
You have an account element in the header with dropdown content and an enabled option of registration in WooCommerce settings. Previously we disabled account off-canvas and dropdown on account login/register pages (to prevent double login/register forms and scripts conflicts). But we didn’t check the page of dokan (that you found now) that makes the same login/register actions. From now we will disable account dropdown/canvas on this specific page as well to allow dokan scripts load in the right order and work as expected.
The fix is uploaded for you in xstore/framework/compatibility/dokan.php (staging01)
Also, it will be included in next theme update !
Please, check if the issue was fixed and give us feedback 🙂
Thanks for your investigations and explanations.
Glad you found the reason of the issue. I checked the page in the initial child-theme context (custom code and files) + your fix and the issue was well fixed.
Thanks for letting us know.
Tagged: conflict, dokan, form, registration, seller, woocommerce, wordpress
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