How can I edit the current contact form to add a mark terms and condition agreement. Does this enquire use of a 3rd part plugin
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
How can I edit the current contact form to add a mark terms and condition agreement. Does this enquire use of a 3rd part plugin
There is no such feature by default. You can make customize it yourself if you have required skills or use some 3rd-party plugin to create new contact form with necessary fields.
Jack Richardson
Could you please tell me where is the form located within the theme structure. I will try to add a markup field to this initial form.
You can edit contacts.php in wp-content/themes/legenda directory. We recommend you to modify it in a child theme not to lose the changes after theme update.
Eva Kemp.
Great to know. Thanks a lot! 🙂
You’re welcome.
Eva Kemp.
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