Contat page colums - by Roxy - on WordPress WooCommerce support

This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago ago by Eva Kemp

  • Avatar: Roxy
    December 3, 2014 at 03:58


    1. I was wondering how to change the column in the contact page, between the contact form and contact details? or where do i find the code that controls this so i can put in my own values as the gap between them is much much too big , it looks silly 🙁

    link to site:


    15 Answers
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    December 3, 2014 at 16:12


    Please add this code into custom.css file:

    .one-third {
        margin-left: 90px;
        width: 250px !important;
        margin-right: 130px !important;

    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 4, 2014 at 01:53

    hi thanks Eva

    that code for the contact page doesn’t work 🙁

    and also i just realised the changes i’ve made are not to the default.custom.css file it was to the Stylesheet (style.css)
    I have saved an original unedited one, but i’m no sure what to do
    do i just copy and paste the original one back to the stylesheet and then paste the codes i wanted changed in the default custom sheet? do i need to rename the default custom sheet for it to work?

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 4, 2014 at 02:22

    i think that code ajusted how it looked on a mobile device
    its been deleted out of the default custom css file and i went and got a plug in that allows css for different pages and it worked but im still having issues with the mobile page, how do i send you a screen shot?

    i still need help with what to do with the style sheet and stuff as i said above reply #27977

    Avatar: Robert Hall
    Robert Hall
    December 4, 2014 at 08:54


    1) For sending screenshots you can use LightShot program.
    2) Here is a video tutorial how to create custom.css:

    Robert Hall.

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 4, 2014 at 22:52

    screen shots of phone

    the contact area isnt aligned and the login area/shopping area is also out

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 4, 2014 at 22:55

    ive watched the video it didnt really answer my question though
    so do i take the custome css that ive added to the orignal stylesheet and add it to default.custom.css ?

    how does it know what its meant to be moving?
    as the first set of code yous send me for the contact page doesnt work

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 4, 2014 at 23:08

    hi again also for some reason your theme doesnt support products on its home page

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 5, 2014 at 00:00

    1. dont worry i have added a plugin for the home page for the product images
    so that ones fixed.

    2. to fix the mobile site contact page, ive had to delete the contact page code that i had put into a plug-in to make the contact form and details abit more centred, once the code was deleted the mobile site returned to normal but now the contact form and details are back to the edge

    2.1 i did whateva said to do and addd it to the defult css area but nothing has changed

    3. I dont want red arrows and red indicators on my site would i be correct to change this i will need to recolour the files and upload the into the wp folder?

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 5, 2014 at 00:30

    Ive had to replace the codes back into the syles.css sheet
    for the cart and account/login as it wasn’t working being in the default.custom.css
    do i have to rename the default.custom.css to custom.css for it to read properly ? i have the box ticked in the theme options area

    why won’t any of the codes work in the defult.custom.css file?

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    December 5, 2014 at 09:27


    Yes, you need rename default.custom.css to custom.css. Please do this and move the code you’ve inserted into style.css to custom.css file.
    This way your changes won’t be overwritten after theme update.

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 5, 2014 at 10:01

    okay thank you, i changed the name of the defult and it does work but it still inst mobile friendly.

    also I would like to remove the red arrows and red indicators on my site, how do i do this?

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 5, 2014 at 12:20

    hi again I’m still having some issues ;
    thank you for all your help

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    December 5, 2014 at 19:39


    Please provide us with wp-admin panel credentials in Private Content.
    Please clarify your 1st and 2nd questions. What exactly do you want to change?

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: Roxy
    December 6, 2014 at 00:56

    Hey eva thanks!

    well pretty much im just trying to move all my codes into the customstyle.css sheet but once they’ve been moved over, they dont work so ive had to re-move them into the main stylesheet
    you will definitely need to look at my pictures to get what i mean (sorry)

    1. I would like to have the shopping bag and login area underneath the search and to aligned to the right currently it looks like this since i moved the code out of the styles sheet in to custom
    and this is what it looked like when i had the code in the style sheet (the look im after)

    1.1. In the mobile version the cart is out of line , I would like it to be centred(the way it was when i first veiwed this template)

    2. what I’m trying to do on my custom style sheet but it wont work ;
    – I would like the codes for the search and the cart/login area in the custom.css style sheet so that when the site updates it doesn’t lose the customisations, and for the custom.css sheet to actually work.
    – the menu items have been recoloured to #c7b96b and have no borders around them, i would like that code to work in the custom css sheet ( i moved them back to the style sheet as well as a copy in the custom css )
    – when high lighting anything on the page, the high light colour is red i would like it to match the site either be purple #341155 or gold #c7b96b (please view image 1)
    – some links are still coming up red when most links through out the site is purple #341155
    see images for reference
    Image 1:
    Image 2 :

    – i would like to remove Project Details in portfolio items

    3. I have changed the colours of the outlines for the search box and the contact form boxes but im unsure why the message box didnt change colour too, colour code i used #c7b96b
    please see image

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    December 6, 2014 at 18:18


    Please move all changes you’ve made in style.css to custom.css.
    And provide us with FTP credentials as well.

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

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