At first I thought maybe this was related to heaviness of content (database, images, plugins) I have added to my site, but today I performed few tests and don’t know where exactly problem comes from and how to fix it.
These problems appear to be ONLY when boxed layout is used (this is what I would like to use for my site), when wide layout is used NONE of the following problems appear. Also none of these problems are when Legenda demo site is viewed with all 3 browsers.
Problem is how different browsers loads my page.
1. Mozilla breaks (width change) my site content every time page is reloaded with different link. When you “left mouse click” on links in page and browser link changes, page content breaks for a fraction of a second and then loads page. It looks like it tries to load everything from scratch each time! You can see screenshots attached to see the difference what happens at “content break”
while loads ->
loaded ->
2. Chrome loads my site the best. Little content “break” on fist page load, but no content break when links change and it looks like it does not try to reload what’s already been loaded before.
3. Internet explorer loads my site fairly good. Just a little width and menu change, but in comparison with Mozilla it’s fine and acceptable. It looks like it reloads few things each time link changes, but nothing noticeable.