Hello support team,
Continuing a previous convo regarding single product page add to cart button, URL: https://www.8theme.com/topic/single-product-page-add-to-cart-quantity-layout-always-centered/#post-356436
Support Staff Rose Tyler has provided the below CSS code to align the quantity and add to cart button to the left:
/* set align left for form.cart */
body .single-product-builder form.cart {
align-content: flex-start;
/* set quantity even more left aligned if needed */
body .et_product-block .cart span.dir-column~.quantity {
margin-inline-end: auto;
But the left align should only apply on desktop, while it should be kept as centered in tablet & mobile view. Now it is way over the left. Pls see attached: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wc3yOKKsf-tSdlRXRPzwNMvqEOdzmET4/view?usp=share_link
Thank you