Hello, I have a couple of issues
1)Some of the products (29 in total) can’t load the block witch is for the purchase
The hosting support told me that they found this problem in the source code:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
at p (etheme.min.js?ver=1.0:1)
at HTMLFormElement.
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at HTMLFormElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at Object.trigger (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at HTMLFormElement.
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at s.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at s.fn.init.trigger (jquery.min.js?ver=3.5.1:2)
at Object.success (add-to-cart-variation.min.js?ver=5.0.0:1)
please fix it or tell me how to do it
2) When I was choosing a theme I knew that paid themes that feature lots of options have a lower page speed insights score so I contacted my hosting company (Super Hosting Bulgaria) to find me a solution. They recommended me to use Nitro Pack and did a check up what would be the score on this theme ( I gave them link to Demo – niche marcket 2). The hosting providors who are partners with Nitro Pack said that the score will go from 24- mobile 74- desktop
to 64 – mobile 100- desktop
My questions are:
– does Nitro Pack work well with Xstore
– how can we upgrade page loading speed
My consern here is not the score but that we can’t see the content in the first seconds
When checking through the Developer Tools of the browser, you can see that one of the resources that takes the most time to load the home page is a query from the topic responsible for the visualization of the elements on the site:
The action of this query is action “et_ajax_element”. In case the elements that need to be loaded are reduced, the execution time of this request should also be improved.
– When checking in Google PageSpeed, you can see that one of the criteria you are directed to for optimization is to reduce the size of the DOM, which directly depends on the theme you use and the elements on the site.
3) When i’m working on the website (elementor and theme builder) the hosting resourse (Processor Memory and CPU Consumption) are quickly used up and it gives Iternal error 500
I used a lot of paid themes before on the same hosting providor and plan and didn’t have this issue
My question is what is causing all this resourse consumtion and can we fix it someway.