1) Can I turn on account creation for everyone (with e-mail and password) from the top Account Menu?
2) For some reason only logged in users see prices, logged out users don’t – they all should! Noone can’t buy anything!
This topic has 20 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
1) Can I turn on account creation for everyone (with e-mail and password) from the top Account Menu?
2) For some reason only logged in users see prices, logged out users don’t – they all should! Noone can’t buy anything!
1/ To enable registration, navigate to Settings > General > Membership and mark Anyone can register, then go to Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts > Customer registration > Enable customer registration on the “My account” page.
Read more about settings – https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/configuring-woocommerce-settings/#accounts-and-privacy-settings
FaceBook and Google login – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/troubleshooting/facebook-login/
2/ I’ve checked via incognito browser – https://prnt.sc/22kpwm7
2) The prices must be seen on home page for every one and under every event, not only in cart!
Like this: https://snipboard.io/wqW8mH.jpg
and this: https://snipboard.io/kZKlu3.jpg
(Images from a logged in user)
Check plugins that are activated on the site, maybe one of them causes it.
2) Ok, some recent update made a conflict. Thank you!
1) The Google and Facebook logins don’t work. Also the videos are outdated and there’s no google Authorized redirect URIs.
1) Make sure that you added correct Authorized redirect URI
https://aktiviteet.ee/konto//google/oauth2callback in Credentials of OAuth 2.0 Client IDs https://prnt.sc/22skpd9
Or add 8themes@gmail.com email to list of developers of your google platform to allow us to check.
Thank you! Google works, but Facebook doesn’t.
What error do you get with the FB login? Because I was able to login using FB.
You were? What was the username? There were no normal usernames registered. Google login uses real name and email on account creation.
When I try Facebook login nothing happens.
Here it is https://prnt.sc/23kpb2b and in the Dashboard https://prnt.sc/23kpd0o Please delete this user once you check.
Clear all cache and check Facebook login then or try to use another device/browser. Record a video of the problem.
Ok, the problem persists only on some Mobiles.
Which mobile device gives you the error? What browser do you use? Record a video of the problem for better understanding.
Huawei P smart 2019
Google Chrome
Are you already logged in to FB account on your phone? Did you create account using Google login and then try to login using FaceBook? Try to remove the account and to open the site from the incognito mode and try to log in after that? Do you still have the same issue?
Everything tested. Creating using Google works, user deleted. Tried with Facebook, logged in.
Using incognito doesn’t work.
If you already created an account using FB then you can log in using FB only. If you created account using Google then you can log in using Google only. You can’t mix that.
If you just create an account the first time you shold get the login to FB form and then confirmation form (I did not see that on your video because you probably have already created an account using Google and tried to log in to that account using FB that is not possible).
As I just explained, the Google created account was deleted, when I tested Facebook login.
I tried to create account using FB from mobile and did not face the problem. Provide us with video where you removed accounts and start to login after that. Do you get the login form when you try to create an account? Or do you get the mentioned error only if you already created an account and try to log in again?
1) User is deleted (image).
2) Facebook login doesn’t work (video).
Contact your hosting provider and ask to increase the Max input vars limit to 2000 or 3000 https://prnt.sc/264rvln Try to log in after that.
Also, provide us with server error logs for today.
Tagged: account, best selling, login, persuasive, prices, themes, woocommerce
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