I am using a plugin (Called Aplazame) for installment payments. I used a static block to write the code:
For prices without discount it works fine, but if the price has a discount, it shows the full price instead of the discounted price. If I instead put data-price=”.price ins .amount, .price .amount”, the discounted price works fine, but the regular price shows prices of other products.
The problem here is that I am unable to find a unique CSS style for the main product in your template to indicate it to the widget, as all product styles have the same selectors or at least I haven’t been able to find a specific one that includes the main price product, and since the right frame is coded first, it is the first one to be taken.
I need to find a unique CSS selector for the main product, I have tried all of the ones for the same and they are shared with other products.
Thanks for you help.
Best regards