Hi there,
1. How will I get the currency plugin wpml to work in the header if I use the furniture theme with Elementor plugin. We have Elementor Pro.
2. How do we add the google map in the contact us section?
(Also note that the all department menu stays open even it is set to open on hover)
3. In our existing electro theme we have a tab dedicated to the specifications. It appears automatically under the variable options in the single products. How can we get this done without a plugin? I see there is a tab at the bottom but there is no tutorial on how to use it. I still cannot get my head around the link to the product pdf created in a download tab but not a product download like music or books. This is just an explanation of the product specs . It will be awesome if we just have the spec in pdf form without having the client click on the link and then download it.
I see there is a tab section but I do not understand how this works. We are use to having a fixed tab-specifications. How do we add SPECIFICATION TAB, WARRANTY TAB, DELIVERY TAB, DOWNLOAD TAB
Download tab:https://prntscr.com/vw0g8b
4. I see there is size drawing in the single product. How do we customize it and how do deactivate it if there is no image with the sizes.
5. How do we use the video section in the side of the single product. Currently we copy and paste the youtube url in the description field.
6. How can we create a header banner image on the brands page. Currently we can only add a thumbnail image and I imagine this image will be used as the banner image for the brand also. Do we have to use a plugin to add banner images on pages like shop, cart, checkout and so forth.
View in your theme: https://prntscr.com/vw0348
View we want: https://prntscr.com/vw03jz
As per our view we also need the product logo to appear underneath the product as per our image sample above.
7. Brand page: we would like all our product logos to appear on a page like the samples below:
If you click on the brand logo the system takes you to a page with all the products of the this brand
can you also have the brands appear in a widget
8. All Department menu
Even though the ALL DEPARTMENT MENUS is set to appear on hover, it seems to be “fixed” in the position. Also the information on the menu looks not correct
On the left of the menu there is some information that does not need to be there