Hello people,
I am using Elementor to create the home page. I’m inserting the XStore products widget (https://prnt.sc/tgdovn) and configuring the appearance to be in slider.
And what I would like to know is how do I change the fonts (product title, price and ect) only for that widget?
I am using CSS (https://prnt.sc/tgdnwe), but for that I need to use the default attributes of the XStore product widget (https://prnt.sc/tgdthw / https://prnt.sc/tgdtt4) and with that, any change in the font will also change for all fonts on the page that uses this widget (https://prnt.sc/tgdv2g).
Another problem … I deactivated the product excerpt, the brand and left it to the product widget to show only the title and price. But as you can see, in the slider widget, the excerpt is being shown (https://prnt.sc/tgdxwe). See the page: https://cerejasbolsas.com.br/elementor-6423
Another problem … on the Bullets page, it is very close to the product image, practically on top of the image (https://prnt.sc/tgdyh5). How do I distance myself from the product image?
Thank you!