Hello. How can I remove the navigation arrows on the blocks? Attached capture. Thanks
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hello. How can I remove the navigation arrows on the blocks? Attached capture. Thanks
Provide URL of the block and temporary wp-admin access.
Here you have them
You use completely out of date version of the XStore theme https://prnt.sc/2463jx7
Current version is 8.0.11. Do you have the mentioned issue with the latest version of theme?
I would recommend you to make a backup of your site or create staging site (full copy of the production) and update all the plugins and theme to the latest version. You may provide us with the access to staging site and we’ll be able to help you with theme update to avoid issues. Then you’ll check if you still have the mentioned issue.
Hello. Oops … I have a lot of custom plugins and add-ons and I would rather not update anything. There is no theme option to remove that navigation?
Nope, there is no option for that. Actually, there should not be that navigation at all and I suppose it was fixed a long time ago. As I told you it would be good to create a staging site (full copy of the production) and update theme and all the plugins there first. If everything is ok then we’ll be able to update production site for you. Let me know once you create staging site and provide us with access to that.
Tagged: best selling, blocks, customizable, delete arrows, navigation, themes, woocommerce
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