I am unable to install the demo Marseille03 on my website
I have tried alot of options to no avail
My dashboard access and FTP access codes are
This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 1 months ago ago by msmetics1
I am unable to install the demo Marseille03 on my website
I have tried alot of options to no avail
My dashboard access and FTP access codes are
I imported demo content and did not face any issues.
1) Hello, please i would like to the slider on the homepage to have the same view on the mobile site. It shrinks. I want the same full width view on the desktop to be same as the mobile view. the height can differ.
2) The shortcode for Ninja table is not showing
kindly help check it
1) Sorry, but your request is a bit unclear for me. Is this what you are looking for https://prnt.sc/wz663w ?
2) I can see the table https://prnt.sc/wz6dv3
1) Yes, it is full width on desktop. but it shrinks on mobile. I want it to have a full width on mobile as well. the height can be reduced on mobile but the width should be full width
2) Thank you, The table is now showing. it was not showing before
3) Can the product slide have a list view on mobile, I want it to have the same responsive behaviour as the masonry on mobile. can you help with that. I have attached screenshots
a) its not full width here https://prnt.sc/x84nrs
b) here, https://prnt.sc/x84ry0 the product slider slides horizontally displaying 1 product
c) https://prnt.sc/x84v4w I want the product slider in b above to have a list view on mobile, just like the masonry in this screen shot
Thank you
1) Use the stretch option of the section where slider is placed https://prnt.sc/xaiikb It works for both: desktop and mobile https://prnt.sc/xailaa
2) You are welcome.
3) a) Use the stretch option of the section where slider is placed https://prnt.sc/xaiikb
b) You can edit number of slider per view for mobile devices using Product element settings https://prnt.sc/xaiw50
c) Do you want to disable the slider for products on mobile only? There is no such option, unfortunately. In this case I would recommend you to duplicate element and show Products with the slider view for desktop and hide for mobile https://prnt.sc/xaj547 and show grid view for the mobile only for the next product element https://prnt.sc/xajd0b
Check now. Is this what you tried to get https://prnt.sc/xajmbr ?
Thank you so much
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