I have choosen the theme XStore – Wedding because I loved it from the first moment I saw it.
I have installed the theme and the demo Wedding, but it’s not exactly as the demo in your site (https://www.8theme.com/demo/xstore/wedding/).
Your demo: http://prnt.sc/f1uuwy
My demo: http://prnt.sc/f1ux7t
I have contacted many times your technical support, I have followed step by step all the suggestment and all the plugin, but the theme is not the same. I have already bought others themes and the demo were exactly the same as I installed them.
Unfortunately, the differences are not just in prefooter and footer, but:
– header
– prefooter
– footer
Missing pages:
– shop page
– portfolio page
– about us page
– contact us page
– sidebar widgets
I have tried several times to install the demo, though never appears the same as on your website.