I tried to import the demo,
1) When reaches the required plugins step, always install failed.
So I install all the plugins manually.
2) When importing the pages, got the error as per below.
pages not installed 🙁
widgets not installed 🙁
home_page not installed 🙁
posts not installed 🙁
products not installed 🙁
static-blocks not installed 🙁
contact-forms not installed 🙁
mailchimp not installed 🙁
media not installed 🙁
options not installed 🙁
menu not installed 🙁
elementor_globals not installed 🙁
slider not installed 🙁
et_multiple_headers not installed 🙁
et_multiple_conditions not installed 🙁
default_woocommerce_pages not installed 🙁
The most common errors happened by low server requirments, we strongly recommend to contact your host provider and check the necessary settings.
Please Assist