Design Constraints - by T_12345 - on WordPress WooCommerce support

This topic has 53 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago ago by Rose Tyler

  • Avatar: TeeKay
    November 1, 2021 at 12:35

    1. When a category or a sub category is selected the color is still in white for all the selected categories. I want those colors to also reflect in red, and not just the hover color.

    2. When I am hovering over the product I can see both Add To Cart and Wishlist options, with Wishlist getting cut out a bit. I actually want to get rid of the Add to Cart option on hover, because it’s present right below the description anyways. If you can just make the Wishlist option visible, that would be great. And I would like to change the color on Wishlist from white to green.

    3. Also please help me show the full name of the product on hover and then the wishlist option can show up below the product title, while we get rid of Add To Cart altogether.

    4. I want to change the colors on Add to Cart button from grey (background) and black (icon) to blue (Background) and yellow (icon).

    5. I want the price of the product to show up in red. Like you might notice on the site, everywhere a product is displayed the price is showing up in grey. I want that to reflect in red across the website.

    6. When we are selecting the quantity the box’s border is showing up in grey whereas the options are in white. I want both those colors to show up in yellow.

    7. All the options on the Shop toolbar (Default Sorting dropdown, Grid/List options and Show All) are showing up in grey and I want them to show up in yellow and then turn to green on hover.

    52 Answers
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    November 1, 2021 at 18:14


    1) I chose the Home & Garden category and subcategories are not white Could you, please, provide us with the screenshot of the issue for a better understanding and WP Dashboard access in the Private content area?

    2) Go to Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Product Styles > choose the hover effect Default.

    3) I’m not sure that understand your request about the product title. It’s full by default, no matter if you use hover or not. Isn’t it? Provide screenshot of the issue for better understanding.
    To show the Add to wishlist button nea the add to cart then choose:
    a) Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Product Styles > choose the hover effect Default.
    c) Add the below code to Theme Options > Custom CSS

    .product-view-default .product-details .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist, .product-view-default .product-details .wishlist-fragment>div {
        font-size: 14px;
    .product-view-default .product-details .wishlist-fragment a, .product-view-default .product-details .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist .show a {
        opacity: 1;

    4) Add the below code to Theme Options > Custom CSS

    .products-grid .product-details .quantity-wrapper .button, .product-slide .product-details .quantity-wrapper .button {
        background: blue;
        color: yellow;
    .products-grid .product-details .quantity-wrapper .button:hover, 
    .product-slide .product-details .quantity-wrapper .button:hover {
        background: yellow;
        color: blue;

    5) Add the below code to Theme Options > Custom CSS

    .template-container .content-product .price {
        color: red;

    6) Provide us with the screenshot for better understanding.
    7) Add the below custom

    .template-container .filter-wrap select, .template-container .view-switcher .switch-list > a, .template-container .view-switcher .switch-grid > a, .template-container .view-switcher .switch-more > a {
        color: yellow;
    .template-container .view-switcher .switch-list:not(.switcher-active):hover > a, [data-mode="dark"] .template-container .view-switcher .switcher-active > a {
        color: #40bb51;
        opacity: 1;


    Avatar: TeeKay
    November 3, 2021 at 22:46


    Thank you so much for your help with the query. Most of it is working, just that there are a few more concerns. Please find the screenshots in the email.

    1. What I meant was when the categories are selected or clicked upon, in their selected state they are showing up in white on the sidebar. Screenshot for 1

    2. After I’ve selected the effect Default, I’m facing a certain issue. I want to remove the option “Sold By: …” from the options, given there is only one brand we don’t want to show it on all products.

    3. There seems to be an issue with products related to Volcanic ash, please help me resolve the glitch. I don’t understand what is causing the issue. Please check the sub-category Volcanic ash through the Shop sidebar.
    Glitch in Volcanic Ash category

    4. For point no 6 please check the attached screenshot. Quantity box

    5. Please check the private content area for the credentials.

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    November 4, 2021 at 11:06


    You provided broken links. Use Lightshot screenshot or Gyazo tool to share links to your screenshots.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    February 16, 2022 at 22:57


    Just to follow up on the issues mentioned earlier, I have tried to solve many of them by trying to search for a workaround. It’s just that I still have a few minor concerns, and I was wondering if you could help me with that:

    1) In the Shop sidebar, whenever I select a category and start browsing its products the color of that category is in white, I want to change that to Yellow.


    2) When we are selecting the quantity the box’s border is showing up in grey whereas the options are in white. I want both those colors to show up in yellow. As in, I want to change the box within the red circle (screenshot) and the figures within the green circle (screenshot) to yellow.


    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 17, 2022 at 09:29


    1/ Add the next code in Theme Options > Theme custom CSS:

    .widget_product_categories.sidebar-widget ul li .current-cat a, .sidebar-widget ul li .current-cat a {
        color: yellow;


    .quantity-wrapper .et-icon {
        color: yellow;
    div.quantity>span, div.quantity>input[type=number] {
        border-color: yellow !important;


    Avatar: TeeKay
    February 17, 2022 at 14:09


    Thank you so much for your help here. I have a few additional concerns:

    1) When the category is selected, that category is still showing up in white, whereas all the subcategories are in yellow. I want the selected category to show up in yellow as well.


    2) In the shop sidebar, Country of Origin, whenever I hover over a country or select it, the effect is white, I want that color to show up in yellow, and once selected it can show in green. Also can you please help me change the no of items in a country (purple circle in the screenshot) from gray to yellow.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    February 17, 2022 at 14:12

    3. The last request would be to help me change the colors on “Clear All Filters” button from gray and black to blue (background) and yellow (text), and on hover green (background) and black (text).


    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    February 18, 2022 at 06:49


    1/ Change this code

    .widget_product_categories.sidebar-widget ul li .current-cat a, .sidebar-widget ul li .current-cat a,
    .sidebar-widget ul li.current-cat > a, .sidebar-widget ul li > ul.children li.current-cat > a {
        color: yellow;


    .wc-layered-nav-term.chosen a, .etheme_widget_brands li.chosen a, .etheme-product-status-filter li.chosen a, 
    .wc-layered-nav-term.chosen .count, .etheme_widget_brands li.chosen .count, .etheme-product-status-filter li.chosen .count,
    .widget_product_categories.sidebar-widget ul li a:hover, .sidebar-widget ul li a:hover {
        color: yellow;


    .btn:not(.black):not(.active):not(.bordered):not(.style-custom) {
        background-color: #1e73be;
        color: yellow;
    .btn:not(.black):not(.active):not(.bordered):not(.style-custom):hover {
        background-color: green;
        color: black;


    Avatar: TeeKay
    March 13, 2022 at 16:10


    All your previous resolutions are working perfectly. I just had a few more concerns, will be listing them out here:

    1) Every time I go to checkout or into the cart page there is a breadcrumb that appears right after the Menu Bar, I want to remove that section from both mobile and desktop. PFA the screenshot:

    2) I am unable to update the theme on WordPress, every time I try the site crashes and I am having to restore a backup. If you can please help me through the steps for updating the theme (both child and parent) on WordPress, that would be of great help.

    3) Recently, I have been experiencing an issue with WordPress. On the Shop page, even if I don’t add any product to my cart and I am visiting the site for the first time it shows that two products have been added to the cart. Please help resolve this glitch, as I am not sure why is this happening in the first place. PFA the screenshot:

    4) Can you help me change the colors on the form field on the checkout page from green to yellow? PFA the screenshot:

    5) Can you please help me change the colors on options (highlighted in a circle) to Green and their prices to yellow? PFA the screenshot:

    6) Finally, can you please help me bring this “OK” to the center of the button. PFA the screenshot:

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    March 14, 2022 at 14:17


    1) To disable the breadcrumbs on the checkout and cart page go to Pages > edit cart/checkout page > 8theme page options > Breadcrumbs type > choose Disable.

    2) I have updated theme and core plugin. You should not have issues with that in the future but don’t skip a lot of updates as you did before. There is no need to update child theme, it’s your custom theme and it does not include files that should be updated at this moment.

    3) Keep Always Load Wc-Cart-Fragments options enabled in Theme Options > Speed optimization. Check your cart now.

    4), 5) I see that texts on the checkout are white, not green. Anyway, if you want to change the color of the labels add the below code to child theme style.css or to Theme Options > Custom CSS

    .checkout label, #payment .payment_methods input[type=radio]:checked+label, 
    #shipping_method input[type=radio]:checked+label,
    .checkout .shop_table .amount, .cart-order-details .shop_table .order-total .amount, .checkout  #shipping_method .amount{
        color: #eeee21;
    #payment .payment_methods label,  .cart-order-details .shop_table .order-total th, .checkout .shop_table dd, .checkout .shop_table dt,
    #shipping_method li label, .order-review .cart_item .product-name {
        color: #40ba51;

    6) I checked that button and it’s ok
    ave you sorted out?


    Avatar: TeeKay
    March 20, 2022 at 19:02


    All the updates are loading in fine, and the colors on Checkout are looking good. I have a few concerns though:

    1. Elementor isn’t loading in the browser, though if I go incognito the builder is loading – but all the changes aren’t loading as instructed.

    2. On all the pages where the Map (Meet The Family, Global Initiative) and the Wholesale Registration form (Vending, More Fun, Wholesale, Registration) are loading the header is acting weird, like the colors are getting all mixed up (Social icons from Green to Blue). This issue is showing up on the Checkout page as well.


    3. On the registration form, the text is showing up in white, even though the color on website settings is Green. And in the editor it is showing up in Green, but after the update the color is still White.


    4. In the Checkout page the Register link in the header is breaking and showing up in two lines, whereas on the rest of the site it is working fine. Please help me restore it to normal on the checkout page.


    5. On the mobile site, the Shop Menu isn’t showing as a placeholder but is loading in after all the products.

    6. None of the changes on the desktop site are showing up on the mobile site. Please help me sort this.

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    March 22, 2022 at 12:37


    1) I checked your home page and Elementor loading ok
    Could you, please, provide us with video of the changes that you try to implement and how they display?

    2) It’s blue because you set blue color
    Anyway, I added the custom to make it green.

    3) White color comes from dark.css styles. If you want to change that to green add the custom CSS to Theme Options > Custom CSS or to the child theme

    .eael-lr-form-wrapper .eael-lr-form-group label {
        color: #4BE239;

    4) Fixed.
    5) What’s wrong with the shop menu item ? Could you, please, explain in more detail?
    6) Are you talking about changes of the page content? Or which one?
    Provide video of the issue for better understanding, please.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 8, 2022 at 18:28


    Actually there seems to be a major issue that has popped up and that is the whole site is breaking on certain pages, and I am not sure how to address that or what is causing that issue.

    Please check the screenshot and advise on how to move forward with this.

    This is the Home page, and the same issue is showing up on the Jewelry (shop category) page as well. Please check with this asap, because this is the home page and a lot of ads redirect to this link.

    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 9, 2022 at 00:33

    It looks like I could somehow solve the home page issue, but it looks like there are a few constraints with respect to the cart page.

    1. – Can we please change the color on this button to black as well (static and hover)?

    2. – Can we please change this to green and everything else that is in white to yellow?

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    April 9, 2022 at 09:27


    1) Done.
    2) Do you want to change the white color to yellow for the whole site? On all the other pages or just for the cart/checkout page?


    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 9, 2022 at 10:07

    1) Thank you very much.
    2) Just for the Cart/checkout page.

    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 9, 2022 at 10:16

    Also, it looks like the the registration forms have the headings in yellow.

    Can you please help me change this to black?

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    April 9, 2022 at 15:05

    2/ Clear cache and check.
    3/ Provide URL of page, please.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 9, 2022 at 15:44
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    April 9, 2022 at 15:50

    Use the next custom CSS code:
    .rmagic .rmrow .rmfield label {
    color: black;


    Avatar: TeeKay
    April 11, 2022 at 06:24

    1. Shop page is constantly malfunctioning with respect to the shop sidebar (menu categories). Like the sidebar will show up at times and at times it’s just blank and at times it shows up as a placeholder. Not sure how to deal with this. Please help.

    Right now it’s showing up like this:

    2. Many times it happens that the site shows up as a white page, like the front design completely breaks. Screenshot:

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    April 11, 2022 at 20:30


    I suppose that issues are related to cache plugin that you use. Looks like it caches the wp_is_mobile function. So, contact plugin author and ask if they have option to separate mobile and desktop caches.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    September 30, 2022 at 23:43


    It looks like there are new issues on the website:

    1) Menu (mobile) is not working for Fans and reviews and Fair trade feels good pages.

    2) Menu (Mobile) isn’t working at the top of Home page.

    3) Video isn’t running on mobile, in the home page.

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 3, 2022 at 12:54


    1/ Header builder > Mobile menu > Dropdown Opening Action
    2/ Theme Options > Speed Optimization > Disable Elementor Dialog Js > Off
    3/ What browser do you use? What mobile device?
    I’ve checked your Home page on a Samsung device > Chrome browser and the video works fine in the first block of the Home page.


    Avatar: TeeKay
    October 3, 2022 at 18:36

    I tried options 1 and 2, but it looks like the menu still is not working. Can you please check this once from your end?

    The video is working now. Thank you for confirming that.

    Avatar: TeeKay
    October 3, 2022 at 20:37

    One more thing, can you please change the button text to black (Currently it is yellow) in the Empty Shopping cart page (

    Avatar: TeeKay
    October 4, 2022 at 18:16

    Hello folks, any update on this?

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 5, 2022 at 13:51


    Sorry for the delay in answering.
    Please post new questions via separate topics, not in this one to prevent a mess.
    “Menu (mobile) is not working for Fans and reviews and Fair trade feels good pages.” – please provide URL of page with the problem. It seems I did not understand your problem at first, please describe it in more detail.
    “Menu (Mobile) isn’t working at the top of Home page.” – provide FTP access, please. I will ask someone from our dev team to check this problem more deeply. The menu works fine on other pages?


    Avatar: TeeKay
    October 5, 2022 at 17:38


    Thank you for reaching out, and not a problem at all.


    The issue here is as I scroll through the page, the sticky header (menu) doesn’t follow through. Like in all the other pages, no matter how far along I scroll, when I scroll back up, even a bit, the primary menu definitely shows up. Here as you can see, to get the menu you will have to scroll right to the top.

    This issue is also persistent on the Fair Trade Feels good page. Link –

    2. I am attaching the SFTP details in the private content area. The menu works fine on all the other pages.

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
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