the desktop header keeps showing up on mobile, i.e. it does not switch to the mobile header on certain pages.
I could find out that the problem is definitely connected to page caching. I am not asking you to solve a problem that it is not caused by the theme, but it would be great if you could look into it. Just in case something with the theme causes it, since it affects only the header.
I use W3 total cache. With page cache disk mode enabled, the wrong header (i.e. the desktop header) is displayed on all pages instead of the mobile header.
However, with page cache in opcache mode enabled, the wrong header is displayed only on the homepage. All other pages show the correct mobile header.
I have ruled out all other caching methods, asset minification, other plugins, etc… It is independent of the phone, or the browser. I also went through xstore’s speed optimization options one after the other.
The problem consistently goes away only with page caching disabled. Interestingly, with page cache ON it works correctly for a few minutes right after emptying the cache, but then again switches to desktop header on page reload.
I would very much appreciate you help!
Best regards