Hi I ave attached the url of my site, when I mouseover sub categories in the shop the full blown description appears in a lightbox style. I do not want this to happen although I do wish to keep the category descriptions. Please help
This topic has 20 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 1 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
Hi I ave attached the url of my site, when I mouseover sub categories in the shop the full blown description appears in a lightbox style. I do not want this to happen although I do wish to keep the category descriptions. Please help
Sorry, but I don’t see such issue on the site.
Could you please show a screenshot and provide us with wp-admin panel credentials?
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva
I have replied to the email with a screenshot.
ok my email would not deliver haha, I have attached a private link to the screen shot.
Thanks Eva.
PS it is not the category info below the slider that is a concern, it is the pop up that appears on mouseover of sub categories.
Please note I have now moved this site, I have attached url and wp login is the same as before
Could you please provide us with the direct link of a page where we can see that issue? Or guide us how to reproduce it from our side as we don’t see such pop up.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
I have attached the link as requested, if you hover over a SUB CATEGORY option in the left hand menu you will then see it.
To remove that description you need edit categories in Products > Categories > open a category and delete its description.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva
I do not want to remove the description, I wish to remove the mouseover that appears when you hover over a sub category?
Have you changed login details to wp-admin panel?
Please provide us with the correct ones.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Yes we had a slight security breach. Find new attached.
Please provide us with FTP credentials as well.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Hi yes ftp attached.
Please update the theme to the latest 1.8 version.
Don’t forget to create back up of your files and database before update.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
If I do this will I not lose the changes I have made to CSS?
Is it possible to get a list of updated files from last update?
If you did all changes only in custom.css file or Child Theme you will not lost all changes.
The update is for full theme not for individual files.
Robert Hall.
Yes I understand. In the event that changes were made to core css files etc is there a changelog so I can see exactly which files have been updated?
If you don’t update all files, but just overwrite some of them, it may cause some issues and your site may work incorrectly. So we always insist on full theme update (overwrite all files). If you made changes in the original style.css file you can rename it or download to your local PC and after update just overwrite style.css. If you made changes in other theme files you need create child theme and move the modified files into there.
Thank you for understanding.
Eva Kemp.
The issue related to '‘Disable Category Description on Mouseover’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses