Hello, have all at 8Theme a good day, are my sincere wishes, specially Rose and Awais. 🙂
Days ago I had a problem with the Advanced Layout for Cart/Checkout in XStore, so I disabled and was adviced to wait for an update of the XStore.
All good so far, BUT (always a but, doesn´t it?), I need to get the site done asap, so, would like to give Elementor Pro full rights to edit/design/changes the following sections of WooCommerce:
– Cart
– Checkout
– Order Summary
– Maybe also Shop and Product Pages too? (not a priority, but would be cool too)
I know how to create a page and then assign any WooCommerce widget to it and configure it to my liking.
Thing is… I can´t make changes. I can only add the widgets, but there is not any possibility to changes the content inside those widgets.
I´m guessing is because XStore has the control. Can I take back to Elementor said controls to make changes?, if so, how?.
Also, and regarding the Single Page Product Builder, can I disable it too?, I mean without any unintended consequences for the rest of the site?. I´m a bit of afraid to make it without asking first.
I have read your entire documentation, check all your videos, but these questions are anywhere there, that is why I ask here.
By the way: your supporting team is doing a great job helping us, I can´t be more happy with them, but the documentation, on the other side, lack consistency, and simple advices and information about how it works better with Elementor, what to do, what to don´t, is much need it, sometimes a simple paragraph can do the magic to avoid us to overflow the forums and also not making mistakes completely avoidable. Learning to use this great Theme is a stepping curve in some areas, and mistakes can be made easily.
Anyway, I attached a screen capture of the Order Summary how looks right now (awful, isn´t?) to show why I need to make it pretty. :), otherwise my customers will grab their hair in disbelief. 😛
Site has many backups up and running, so feel free to do any changes you want, just don´t burn it, please, show mercy. xd
Best regards, Vlad (Ekomar)