Hi there on the latest realease we are no longer able to select the order in which the products are shown on the website, is this an oversight on your behalf or is this now a permanent change? Please advise.
This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi there on the latest realease we are no longer able to select the order in which the products are shown on the website, is this an oversight on your behalf or is this now a permanent change? Please advise.
Could you please record a video for a better understandig?
I can explain it…
Through pictures
The menu order is no longer available
1/ Theme Options > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Default Product Sorting > Default sorting (custom ordering + name).
2/ Check the order of products on the Shop page when the default WC theme – Storefront is activated on your site. It is important to check if the problem persists with the default theme to find out if it comes from the theme or from something else.
Widgets could be messed up after switching, so open the Appearance > Widgets tab before switching to be able to move the widgets to the correct area after switching back.
“The menu order is no longer available” – I will pass it to our dev team, and let you know their answer.
Please provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access.
The products grid element does not have the mentioned order type, it was in an old Products element, but we can add it once you provide access.
Or you can wait for the next theme update.
Can you guarantee it will be in the next update? And how long will it be to the next update?
Firstly we need to implement that option for the Product Grid to understand if it is that one you asked us for. If it is so then, definitely it will be included in the next update or will be done in your child-theme (according to your case it seems to be included globally).
Usually, the theme update is every 2-3 weeks. All update history you may find here -> https://xstore.8theme.com/update-history
As sooner you provide us with the temporary access we asked for, as sooner we will make changes and answer you to check.
If you want to check asap, you may upload the next file -> product-grid.php https://dropmefiles.com.ua/en/8Mv6EhR by the next path -> et-core-plugin/app/controllers/elementor/general/product-grid.php via FTP.
backend 01 -> https://prnt.sc/J5QqL7Hu2E6V
backend 02 -> https://prnt.sc/wqAlyGbCpTkj
Let us know the results on your site.
Waiting for your reply.
I uploaded the file it seems to be working as expected, thank you
Thanks for letting us know.
Have a nice day!
Tagged: elementor, product order, seo friendly, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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