This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I am testing my website against google page speed test for several days now and I am constantly improving the website. I have used Autoptimize plugin to inline CSS and Js.
I have pretty much removed all the error showing at google page speed but now i have 4 errors at CSS suggestion which are all related to google fonts. I dont know how to improve the site and remove those error.
I m using Roboto fonts at my website.
the errors are following.
is there any way i can improve the site and remove those errors.
Please provide us with your website URL. What version of theme do you use?
here is the url to my website.
and i m using the latest version of the theme, its 3.7
one more thing, last night i have installed a child theme and now i m using child theme.
but i have a problem with that. when i enable JS optimization in Autoptimize then it breaks the SINGLE PRODUCT PAGE lightbox, and all the product images are then scattered around.
Could you provide temporary wp-admin access in Private Content also?
Thanks for replying.
I m not sure about the credential. I need to ask the client first.
In the mean time can you just tell me that instead of accessing google font api, cant i copy the fonts file to the server and link it in the html? coz i m using only one font type “Roboto”.
I have little bit of knowledge of Html, CSS and PHP. is it possible that i link the font in the footer not in the header?
Basically the client wants that the html should render first and after tht JS and CSS.
he wants to shift those two to footer but when i do that then i lose all style and everything. is there anyway where i can render html first then JS and CSS bcoz it will decrease the first byte time.
1) Autoptimize. Exclude head.js file
2), 3) To remove font, add Roboto only and move styles and scripts to footer add the following code in child theme functions.php
function etheme_enqueue_styles() {
global $etheme_responsive, $etheme_theme_data;
$etheme_theme_data = wp_get_theme( 'legenda' );
if ( !is_admin() ) {
$script_depends = array();
if(class_exists('WooCommerce')) {
$script_depends = array('wc-add-to-cart-variation');
wp_enqueue_script('head', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/head.js'); // modernizr, owl carousel, Swiper, FullWidth helper
if(etheme_get_option('product_img_hover') == 'tooltip'){
wp_enqueue_script('tooltip', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/tooltip.js');
wp_enqueue_script('all_plugins', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/plugins.min.js',$script_depends,false,true);
wp_enqueue_script('etheme', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/etheme.js',$script_depends,false,true);
wp_localize_script( 'etheme', 'myAjax', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'noresults' => __('No results were found!', 'legenda')));
wp_localize_script( 'all_plugins', 'ethemeLocal', array('tClose' => __('Close (Esc)', 'legenda')));
function add_footer_styles() {
global $etheme_responsive, $etheme_theme_data;
$etheme_theme_data = wp_get_theme( 'legenda' );
$custom_css = etheme_get_option('custom_css');
if ( !is_admin() ) {
wp_enqueue_style("et-font-awesome",get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/css/font-awesome.css', array( 'fonts' ) );
wp_enqueue_style("style",get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/style.css', array(), $etheme_theme_data->Version);
wp_enqueue_style("responsive",get_template_directory_uri().'/css/responsive.css', array(), $etheme_theme_data->Version);
if($custom_css) {
wp_enqueue_style("custom",get_template_directory_uri().'/custom.css', array(), $etheme_theme_data->Version);
$etheme_color_version = etheme_get_option('main_color_scheme');
if($etheme_color_version=='dark') {
wp_enqueue_style("dark",get_template_directory_uri().'/css/dark.css', array(), $etheme_theme_data->Version);
add_action( 'get_footer', 'add_footer_styles' );
Thanks a lot for replying.
I have added that piece of code to the function.php and also exlude head.js from autoptimize.
Head.js exlusion:
Then when i try to check the website then at the single product page the images was scattered all over the place again.
then i look into it and check with chrome developer tool in console the check the errors.
all those errors was generated from JQuery script
Console Errors:
so then what i did was to exclude Jquery also from Autoptimize
Jquery Exclusion:
after that all the errors are gone but still I have the Google font Api errors.
google fonts errors:
but even with that i tried to check with google page speed tool and the score turned out to be almost the same.
for desktop it was 68/100.
and still its showing me the same suggestions at google page speed.
suggestions at google page speed:
I m having problem with this autoptimize and jquery when i have installed the child theme. before the child theme when i tried it with the parent theme then it was fine. it didnt break anything. but since i have isntalled the child theme and when i enable autoptimize for js then it breaks the Jquery script.
Looking forward to be fixed soon.
Thanks a lot for replying and helping
Provide, please, temporary Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check. To find the reason of the problem we need to check the code that you have in child theme and plugins that you use because one of them also can cause the issue.
I have attached the login and ftp credential.
please check it out what is causing the problem.
Check now.
The head.js and jquery is still excluded from autoptimize plugin which means that they are still in the HEAD and also not optimized.
Bcoz of that my site google page speed test result went to 70 from 83.
If i switch back to parent theme and i include the jquery in autoptimize to optimize it then it doesnt break the single product page but it does break with the child theme.
is there any way to shift those JAVASCRIPTS to footer without breaking the site?
and now at google page speed test its showing BACKEND ERROR
Unfortunately, head.js can’t be moved to footer because of carousels. All we can do is offer the refund or XStore theme instead of Legenda. XStore supports scripts in the footer.
Can you provide us correct FTP access? We want to try another cache and minification plugin, maybe it will give better results.
Thanks for the help.
I m sorry to say but i dont want refund. i really like the support here. Let me try the Xstore theme. as u have said tht it supports the JS in the footer then i think tht would give us better result.
so whats the process of trying the xstore theme
A while ago i have checked the Xstore theme out and i think its perfect for my website coz my website is a eCommerce store.
so how can i switch to Xstore from legenda and since it supports JS in the footer then that will also solve the problem…
I want to buy another Xstore Theme as well.
I have setup another domain last night and planning to buy Xstore theme for that but before that i want to check it out at my current website. if it works out for me then i will buy another license as well.
Sorry for the some delay in answering.
1) To get XStore license you need to go ThemeForest and buy it.
2) After that submit refund request for the Legenda theme
3) Once you did that reply back here and provide me XStore purchase code in private content area. We’ll check it and confirm Legenda refund request.
I have bought the Xstore theme and i also requested the refund.
I will attach the purchase code in the private. please check it out
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