Hi I like your emails for woocomerce, but I’m trying to figure out how to get the carrier generator into your emails, more image
or I don’t know where to get the carrier code
This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 years, 6 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi I like your emails for woocomerce, but I’m trying to figure out how to get the carrier generator into your emails, more image
or I don’t know where to get the carrier code
Hello, @coffeedog,
Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.
Your screenshot can’t be opened. Please provide a new one.
Also, describe your request in more detail, please.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Hello, @coffeedog,
Thank you for your response.
1/ You may use our element for Email builder -> WC Hook ( https://prnt.sc/26tle5p ) and select one of the actions from its list -> https://prnt.sc/26tleju . If your plugin adds its actions for one of those then it will work for you, otherwise, you may contact the plugin to get the correct code to add as an action for such hooks we have.
2/ In case the 1st solution does not work for you please, provide us the name of plugin that adds such info to your emails. (Also it would be good if you could provide us FTP access to your web-site for checking it deeply from code side)
Otherwise, please, contact the plugin support and ask them if they can give you some code to make it work as you want. You should know that we don’t provide support for 3rd-party plugins, and we already gave suggestions, as you may find above.
Thanks for understanding our position.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
First of all I want to thank you, for your perfect suport, I am definitely glad I bought it from you.
I tried the toilet hook and it didn’t work 🙁
PLUGIN is a mail order company maybe you will see it as a packet
Thank you in advance for your action.
Hello, @coffeedog,
1/ We thank you for answering and testing WC hook from your side.
2/ We checked the code of the Packeta plugin and found that most code is written in another JVM programming language – latte ( https://prnt.sc/fMhOI7eupQRS ) (maybe it is the main problem). We can recommend you contact with plugin’s author to try to get help from their side also. As we see they have a support forum on → https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/packeta/ and also can be kept in touch directly by email → technicka.podpora@zasilkovna.cz ( https://prnt.sc/5NHXM4tjt8D2 ).
According to the fact we have such an element as WC Hook in Email builder maybe they can provide you some snippet to attach their information table in our email builder template to the one of actions from the WC Hook element.
P.S. It is better to look from their side for possible issues because they know their own plugin’s code much better. In case they need any help for making both us vise-versa compatible – we have https://www.8theme.com/contact-us/ form on our company’s website.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Thank you for your time.
We will contact the plug-in company and then send feedback.
Hello, @coffeedog,
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Response from the plugin
Hello, xstore
at the moment, the only way to add shipping data from an order to emails is to pull it from our database tables (specifically packetery_order). Anyway, this implementation depends on the database structure not changing in the future.
In the next version of the plugin (1.6.0), we will add the ability to retrieve plugin data about the selected dispensing location from orders via the WooCommerce API as well.
Hello, @coffeedog,
Thank you for the response, but this question needs to be resolved with the plugin authors – we have already provided all the necessary information they might need – the solution should come from them (for instance, add_action(’email_builder_output’, ‘our_custom_plugin_output’);
Therefore, you need to continue the conversation with the plugin.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
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