Hey there! I cloned my lifstyle webseite useing manageWP.com and got a big issue.
Website doesn’t work anymore and I can’t loign at /wp-admin.
This is the mail from ManageWP support:
Thanks for your patience.
I just finished cloning and it seems that issue is caused by the theme and more precisely:
wp-content/themes/lifestyle/framework/theme-functions.php on line 262
It seems that the theme is not compatible with the PHP version on a destination server which is causing this issue.
I can see that the site is correctly cloned and all content and database are transferred to your destination server.
Would you mind editing wp-config.php and activating the WP-DEBUG mode which will tell you more about the issue.
Is it caused due to an old php version?
Which php version is needed to show website correctly?
Best Regards