Hi , actually i faced many problems with builder header i made some changes like in this image https://prnt.sc/1wtcla3 but in run i got the following https://prnt.sc/1wtctna mm comments as following
1. in top header : we remove top header promo and set the content of main header into top header and change background color from black to white but always its back also change height but not change
2. in main header we removed main menu and tried to change search look to become like in niche demo but we cant kindly make this changes any whats wrong in our work
3. in bottom header we set main menu and change menu to new menu we created tried to change menu height and text color as u show in dashboard but not changed in live
Actually we suffered too much from this header builder we need to know whats wrong in our work and how to solve it because it’s not right to contact u if we want make any changes in this header builder
thanks in advance for your support