Hello there,
Been trying for several hours to update your theme to latest version 9.2.8 and tried several methods and kept getting the same error message “An error occurred while updating XStore: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”
I have tried updating from wordpress dashboard, via the envato app and still got the same error. I tried via ftp. My only concern is during the zip file extraction I was getting error message also about css file and some other file not available. However, this is now more of an fyi.
The only way I got the error message to go away was by updating via ftp. The install via ftp is not yet done. However, even without the update not being completed yet, I can already see it showing as 9.2.8 in wordpress dashboard.
You may close this ticket if you wish as on my side it appears to be resolved.